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Monthly Archives: August 2012

40 Inch Tilco Balloon

blow to pop balloons

In this new clip at Blow to Burst Holly and Raven sit outside and share a 40 inch Tilco balloon!

Here is a teaser clip of Holly and Raven slowly blowing up a 40 inch tilco until it pops!

Punchball Balloon

punchball balloons

Miel keeps trying to work a hand pump but gives up and inflates this punchball by mouth in this new clip at Emmas Balloons!

Click here for a free teaser clip of Miel blowing up a punchball balloon!

Dolphin Grind

inflatable dolphin

In this new clip at Frisky-Business Heather gets into some nude dolphin grinding!

Click here for a free teaser clip of Heather’s nude dolphin grind!

Balloon Bouncibility

bounce on balloons

Holly and Raven test out a variety of balloons to compare each for bouncibility in this new clip at Balloon Bounce!

Click here for a quick teaser clip of Holly and Raven comparing different sized balloons!

Clear Spray Meets Marlboro

smoke cigarette balloon

Xev enjoys her Marlboro Lite cigarette before using it to cig pop her clear spray balloon new clip at Smoke And Balloons!

Click here for a free teaser clip of Xev putting her Marlboro Lite cigarette to work with her clear spray balloon!

20 Inch Blow To Pop Challenge

blow to pop balloons

In this new clip at Blow to Burst Rey Rey fails miserably at our 20 inch blow to pop challenge!

Here is a teaser clip of Rey Rey failing our 20 inch blow to pop challenge!

Tube Blow

giant balloons

Rey Rey blows up a 24 inch Qualatex by mouth through a long tube in this new clip at Emmas Balloons!

Click here for a free teaser clip of Rey Rey inflating a Q24 through a long tube!

Wedge Sneakers

feet and balloons

In this new clip at Feet And Balloons Xev tries to footpop a big balloon while wearing the ugliest wedge sneakers we’ve ever seen!

Click here for a free sample of Xev’s sneaker foot popping attempts!

Hydration: Dry skin can usually lead to a

They play an important duty in preventing, handling, depanten gel and treating a wide range of clinical problems.

plain as well as uninspired appearance.

Dirty Blow Up Doll

inflatable doll

In this new clip at Frisky-Business Brooke gets down and dirty with a blow up doll named Dusky!

Click here for a free teaser clip of Brooke getting dirty with a blow up doll!